
Currently, services are provided in the home, school, community, and/or telehealth

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Direct 1:1 Therapy

Individualized, one-on-one therapy sessions between a behavior therapist (BT) and a client. A treatment plan developed by a BCaBA/BCBA will be implemented that focuses on increasing skills (social, communication, and more) while decreasing maladaptive behaviors.

Caregiver Collaboration / Parent Training

Teaching parents / caregivers of individuals diagnosed with autism how to implement ABA techniques in the home and community.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

A branch of ABA therapy that involves 1:1 meeting sessions with parents or individuals that focus on accepting emotions and committing to actions that better align with your values.

Therapeutic consultation

Provide training to parents, support staff, caregivers on implementation of ABA techniques. Must have a DD Waiver (VA Medicaid).

Social skills Groups (Coming Soon)

Weekly gatherings divided by age groups and levels of supports, facilitated by behavior technicians and/or BCBAs, provides an opportunity for children to generalize skills and build social connections in a fun way.

COming Soon

Schedule - See Summer SOcial skills group tab


See Summer SOcial skills group tab

Location - See Summer Social skills group tab

Accepts most insurance, medicaid, and private pay.

Rates vary depending on service.